28-09-2024  A 13

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Assistant Professor in Zoology
Dept. of Botany, St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-02.

M.SC., Ph.D.,

1 (Institution) (Personal)

Teaching Experience
Book Publications:

Book Pubilished: 4

Research Papers:

Published: 0

National: 0

International: 0


-I have received a Ph.D fellowship during 2012-2015 from the Tamil Nadu Educational Trust (Govt of Tamil Nadu). I have ample experience in research related to molluscan culture and conservation. I have analysed and reported on the biodiversity of molluscan populations (Endangered and Endemic species) available in the Gulf of Mannar Bioreserve (GOMBR). I have also contributed to marine species conservation, especially molluscan species (Gastopods) through the sea ranching strategy. I worked on an Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Science (INCOIS) project, Govt of India, related to monitoring and locating fisheries rich areas and a satellite mediated tsunami warning system by wave rider buoy system. I have coordinated many awareness programmes related to marine ecosystem conservation and management for students, researchers, and fisher folk. I have five years of teaching experience and 10 years in research experience. I have published a total of 58 research papers related to aquaculture, molluscan research, and immunostimulant development for molluscs and aquaculture species. I have published 14 books with an ISBN and 20 book chapters. I have reported the occurrence of two new ectoparasite neamed, Argathona chelladurai and Gnathia sp in fish species, and two abnormal starfishes (Protoreaster linckii) one with six arms and another with four arms, in the Gulf of Mannar. I serve as a journal reviewer and editor for many national and international journals. I belonged to the Indian Science Congress, the Ocean Future Society, the International Society of Zoological Science, and the Tamil Nadu Environmental Council. Recently, I have received more than 6 awards from national agencies. I was awarded two research grants from the TNSCST, a government agency. and five research grants from government and private organisations for programme implementation.

Area of Specialization

  • Marine Pharmacology


Year Name of the award
2022-01-19 Young Scientist Award, Society of Fisheries and Life Sciences, College of Fisheries, Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
Permanent Address


Curriculum Vitae
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