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Dept. of Computer Science, St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-02.

M.Sc.,B.Ed.,M.Phil., SET, Ph.D. (Institution) (Personal)

Teaching Experience
Book Publications:

Book Pubilished: 3

Research Papers:

Published: 26

National: 1

International: 25


Dr Jenifer Jothi Mary. A, is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, St. Josephs College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli. She has 11 years of experience in Teaching and 09 years of experience in Research. Her research interests are Sentiment Anlaysis, Big Data Analysis, Data Science. She has completed a UGC-SERO Minor Research project on " BIG DATA ANALYTICSFOR ASPECT BASED SENTIMENT ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' OPINION IN DIGITALIZED HIGHER EDUCATION". She has received 35 citations from 2015 and her h-index is 5 and i-10 index is 2. She has registered a German Utility Patent in the name Wearable device for detection of omicron symptoms based on biomedical and proximity sensor and artificial intelligence and an Indian Patent Artificial Intelligence Based Data Traffic Analysis In IoT Wireless Sensor Network Nodes, in 2022. She has Authored a book "Foundations of Data Science". She has also received 02 Awards, published 01 book chapter and 18 Research Articles in reputed journals and Conferences. She has delivered 8 Invited Talks in guest lectures and workshops. She is available at and in google scholar id

Area of Specialization

  • Big Data, Sentiment Analysis, DBMS


Year Name of the award
2016-01-17 Best paper of the conference, KS Ramasamy college of arts and science, Tiruchengode
Permanent Address

W/O S. Aruldoss, 3F, Arockiam street, Nochimedu, Manjampatti, Manaparai,

Curriculum Vitae
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