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Dept. of English, St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-02.

M.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., (Institution) (Personal)

Teaching Experience
Book Publications:

Book Pubilished: 11

Research Papers:

Published: 33

National: 10

International: 23


I am Dr. Cheryl Davis, Assistant Professor of English, St. Joseph's College(Autonomous), Trichy - 620002. I completed my UG and PG at Holy Cross College(Autonomous), Trichy - 620002, and my MPhil at St. Joseph's College(Autonomous), Trichy - 620 002. I did my Ph.D at Bishop Heber College(Autonomous), Trichy -620017. I have a teaching experience of nearly ten years. I have attended and presented many papers at the International and National Conferences. I have published many papers in the International and national Books and Journals. I have visited Malaysia and Sri Lannka. I have guided many M.A and MPhil scholars. At present I'm guiding eight Ph.D scholars. I have gone has a resource person to many institutions. I have completed a UGC Minor Research Project. My area of specialization is Eco criticism.

Area of Specialization

  • Ecocriticism


Year Name of the award
2021-01-10 College Management Cash Award for Book Writer, St. Joseph`s College
Permanent Address

No. 14/21, 3rd floor,, Mudukku Street,, Williams Road, Cantonment,

Curriculum Vitae
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