28-09-2024  A 13

Physical Education

Ever keeping in mind the dictum, "A healthy mind in a healthy body", St Joseph's College has been paying equal importance to Physical Education, sports and games right from its inception at Nagapattinam in 1844. Unfortunately there is no living witness to tell exactly when sports and games activities began in the College. For want of any written record, it can only be presumed that the sports activities had begun along with the academic programmes of the College.

Ample facilities are provided to play all the major games. Under the able guidance of specialised coaches for all the games the players are given exposure to tournaments at various levels: State Level and South India Level Competitions. Being a leading college in sports, the Tamil Nadu Government selected St Joseph's College as one of the Joint Sports Development Centres with Financial Support for Athletics, Volleyball and Football.

Deserving poor sportsmen get free education and hostel facilities with generous help from the management. The Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu is giving scholarships to 38 students in Football, Volleyball and Athletics every year. The joint Sports Development Centre offers special consideration due to the excellence of the sportsmen in the sports field.

In the early years the department was managed by Fathers with assistance from sports-loving lay staff like Prof.C.R.Soundararajan. Only in the year 1930, Mr.V.Sundaresan took charge of the department as qualified Physical Director.

Rev.Fr.Rajasekaran SJ

Contact: 0431 - 270 - 2429

Physical Directors

1947 - 1980 Mr.N.M.Joseph

1982 - 2011 Mr.M.Kasi

Games Presidents

Rev.Fr.Francis Vazhapilly SJ

Rev.Fr.J.M.Das SJ

Rev.Fr.S.M.Felix SJ

Rev.Fr.A.Ambrose SJ

Rev.Fr.A.G.Leonard SJ

In 1990 the former principal Rev.Fr.Mathew J Moolel changed the pattern and made the Principles as presidents of the games.


2001-03 Rev.Fr.Lazar SJ.

2003-09 Rev.Fr.Jeyaseelan SJ

2009-11 Rev.Fr.Mani Valan SJ

2011-2012 Rev.Fr.Mount Joseph Selvan SJ

2012-2014 Rev.Dr.Arockiasamy Xavier M SJ

2014-2017 Rev.Dr.Aruldoss SJ

2017-2024 Rev.Fr.Berchmans SJ

2024- Rev.Fr.Rajasekaran SJ

Distinguished Alumni

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