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College Museum

Rev.Fr. Castets S.J. in 1881 was its first curator; he collected extensive specimens, and sent some collections abroad. The names of Rev.Frs. Honore and Bertram are associated with the beginning of the museum. In fact collecting for the museum cost the latter an eye! Among the more active curators were Rev.Fr.L.V.Newton (1906-1913), C.Leigh (1913-1934), L.M.Balam(1937-65) and B.J.Coyle(1965-1971). What is astonishing is that none of these meticulous workers has left an account of the beginning and development of the museum, not even in the unusually comprehensive Centenary Volume.

The holdings are varied indeed; besides fauna (mammals, birds, snakes, fishes, lizards, chameleons, scorpions, spiders, butterflies, and moths) are very interesting antiques: two bricks from Babylon, 650 B.C.; a Roman lamp; stone arrow-heads 2000 years old; 2 pieces of wood from the London bridge burnt in 1230; an autograph letter of Queen Victoria and old weapons from world war I. These holdings deserve to be laid out in at least 10 times the present floor space for a meaningful and educative display according to current methods of museology.

Principal & Director: Rev. Dr. S. MARIADOSS SJ

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