28-09-2024  A 13

Entrepreneurship Development centre was established in St. Joseph`s College in 2012-13 to develop an institutional mechanism to create entrepreneurial culture and to foster growth of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the students. The rationale behind this exercise is to help students generate self employment and revenue during their student days at the institution and enable them to sustain and enrich themselves through their own enterprises after completing their academic pursuit. In this endeavor to transform the job seekers to job providers, PBL Cell strives to foster better and regular linkages between industries, institutions and other organizations engaged in business activities.

Objectives of BPL Cell

  • To create an environment for Self-employment through Entrepreneurship Motivation workshops, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes

  • To search, identify and provide gainful employment opportunities to the students to augment their income and make them understand the nuance of entrepreneurship

  • To guide and assist prospective student entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from appropriate agencies

  • To facilitate periodic interaction with entrepreneurs and create a mentorship scheme for student entrepreneurs.

  • To interrelate with the government agencies to organize entrepreneurship initiatives that benefits the general public

Activities undertaken

  • Mushroom cultivation

  • Electrical servicing

  • Stock Trading

  • Direct Marketing

  • Insurance agencies

Principal & Chairman

Dr.F.R.Alexander Pravin Durai

Contact us

Promoting Business Leaders Cell
St.Joseph's College (Autonomous)



Fax: 0431-2701501

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